5 Ways to Support Your Immune Health

All About Immune Health The immune system is the body’s natural defense network. It is comprised of many organs, cells, and proteins that work together to protect against outside viruses, bacteria, and other unwanted invaders.1 When functioning correctly, the immune system identifies which cells are yours and which are foreign. It then organizes to kill…

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Optimum Health Starts at the Cellular Level

Aging is a natural process that typically accompanies biochemical and physiological changes that disrupt normal cellular functions. Maintaining optimal cellular function is critical for supporting overall health and quality of life and well‑being into older age. As we grow older, we tend to focus on external factors in the fight against aging – finding the…

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Are You Suffering from Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones play an essential role in maintaining our quality of life, health, and longevity. Acting as transmitters traveling from the endocrine glands, through thebloodstream, and to organs and tissues, hormones affect our moods, metabolism, sleep,sexual function, and the ability to have children. When they’re working optimally, we feelgreat. When they’re out of balance, they can…

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Are You Chronically Inflamed?

Inflammation has become a bit of a buzzword recently, and rightly so. Did you know that systemic inflammation plays a role in the development of many chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease? With 2 out of every 3 deaths in North America attributed to these lifestyle diseases, it makes sense to nip…

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Natural Support for Pain Management

Chronic pain is a common and complex problem affecting 20–30% of the population of Western countries. The pharmaceutical industry has garnered billions of dollars in painkiller and anti-inflammatory sales, yet this hasn’t come without potential health risks to consumers from a well-documented crisis level of opioid addiction to frequent gastrointestinal complications and an increased risk…

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How often are you aware of your breath?

Stop right now. Put your hand on your belly, and simply notice your breath. * * * * * Are you relaxed in the belly? Does the belly soften, expand, and rise on the inhalation? Does it gently contract back towards the spine on your exhalation? As a physical therapist, I am taught to see…

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How to Gain Flexibility Safely

I have heard a variance of this phrase over the years in many yoga and fitness classes, “Find your limit and push further!” Over this time as I was learning more about the human body and the mind through physical therapy and yoga, I slowly stopped listening to these messages and instead paid more attention…

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Heart Rate Variability and Inflammation

What is heart rate variability (HRV) and how does it influence Inflammation? HRV is the concept that your heart rate is different during an inhalation versus an exhalation. The larger the difference between your heart rate during an inhale and exhale equates to a higher HRV. So….what does a higher HRV do for you? Well,…

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Growth Through Suffering

“Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower of happiness grow. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.” -THICH NHAT HANH” Repeat that statement to yourself at least one more time. We spend so much time avoiding the inevitable pain that is inherent…

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The Body’s Response to Stress

Many people often notice a significant decline in their health following a major stressful event or a period of time that was very stressful in their life. Stress is a HUGE player when it comes to inflammation, disrupting hormones and gut health. #Stress #WorkLifeBalance #functional medicine #HolisticHealing #Autoimmunity #GutHealth #HormoneDysruption #MedicalTherapeuticYoga #breathwork #mindbodyapproach #lifestylecoaching

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