Functional Medicine

The Body’s Response to Stress

Many people often notice a significant decline in their health following a major stressful event or a period of time that was very stressful in…

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Our greatest Wealth is Health

Who else agrees with this statement?!   I have spent most of my career working with very sick people.  The stories that I hear are heartbreaking.  …

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7 tips to healthy eating

There is so much confusion info out there on the internet regarding the best eating plans…  Low carb, Keto, Paleo, Anti-inflammatory, Low Lectins, etc.  It…

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5 Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain Naturally

“{Dr. Allen} set me up on a plan that will continue to help me for many years in the future!” “I sought out services with…

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Welcome to our continuation of the Niyama Series! The 3rd Niyama of Yoga is, Tapas, translated as self-discipline or burning enthusiasm. Burning enthusiasm. Sounds intriguing,…

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Niyamas: 2nd limb of Yoga Niyamas are the self-restraint practices recommended by yogis (and yoginis) that enable you to fully embrace each moment of your…

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“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the…

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5th Niyama

This is the 5th and final Niyama or yogic sutra observances.  Many yogic sages claim that if you can master this Niyama – there is…

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4th Niyama

The 4th niyama, Svadhyaya, is regarding self study.  The idea with studying the Self, is that we learn who and what we are NOT, to…

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An Overview of the 5 Yamas

Often times when we think of pain, we think of it as purely a physical problem. For my profession, it is implied with the name…

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Heal Naturally

Want to learn how to heal your autoimmunity holistically without the need for harsh medications? Check out this free training video.