Our greatest Wealth is Health

Who else agrees with this statement?!   I have spent most of my career working with very sick people.  The stories that I hear are heartbreaking.   People who have lost very successful jobs (even though they were very good at them) because either when they returned to work, their employers were looking for any mistake as…

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7 tips to healthy eating

There is so much confusion info out there on the internet regarding the best eating plans…  Low carb, Keto, Paleo, Anti-inflammatory, Low Lectins, etc.  It will leave your head spinning sometimes and not knowing which direction to go.  Bottom line, don’t overcomplicate it and make sure it is sustainable.  I’m not a fan of extreme…

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5 Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain Naturally

“{Dr. Allen} set me up on a plan that will continue to help me for many years in the future!” “I sought out services with Dr. Allen after suffering from chronic pain in various regions of my body. The pain had gotten so bad that it was limiting my ability to exercise, travel and other…

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Welcome to our continuation of the Niyama Series! The 3rd Niyama of Yoga is, Tapas, translated as self-discipline or burning enthusiasm. Burning enthusiasm. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? When was the last time you felt a burning enthusiasm for something in your life? ———————————————- Harnessing tapas will be your path to cultivate the courage, discipline and…

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Niyamas: 2nd limb of Yoga Niyamas are the self-restraint practices recommended by yogis (and yoginis) that enable you to fully embrace each moment of your life. It is really a wonderful opportunity to see how these practices may influence your pain and physical body! It is very possible, maybe even likely, that you think of…

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“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” -Unknown The 2nd Niyama of yoga, is Santosha. When translated, this means “contentment”. And the purpose of practicing santosha,…

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5th Niyama

5th Niyama

This is the 5th and final Niyama or yogic sutra observances.  Many yogic sages claim that if you can master this Niyama – there is no other practice you need to do. This niyama gets deeper into the universal energy or spiritual nature of yoga.  If you have a particular religious practice, this is going…

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4th Niyama

4th niyama_Svadhyaya

The 4th niyama, Svadhyaya, is regarding self study.  The idea with studying the Self, is that we learn who and what we are NOT, to fully experience who we ARE. Without being present in the moment or taking time to reflect on our experiences, our actions or choices are usually the result of unchecked patterns…

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An Overview of the 5 Yamas

Often times when we think of pain, we think of it as purely a physical problem. For my profession, it is implied with the name (Physical Therapy). However, with more and more research, pain is much more complicated than that. Yoga has been shown with several research studies that it can help reduce pain. There…

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