After Breast Cancer treatments, Debbie found that her health and immune system were even more compromised than before. She was free of cancer but yet still felt terrible. She had a surgery that developed a serious infection and her body was struggling to heal. She had no energy, anxiety which was really triggered by the thought of a recurrence of breast cancer and it was time for her to regain her health so she could start living her best life again.
She wanted to know what the genetic influences behind her breast cancer diagnosis were as well as the best nutrition/meal plan specifically for her. Not just for her diagnosis or past medical history but personalized to her. To allow her to heal, regain her health, but continue to thrive in the future!
It was an honor and a privilege to work with her! And, her results were OUTSTANDING!!! Watch as shares her experience in our Functional Medicine program.
Kathy ~ Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis & Sjogren’s due to symptom presentation but did not have the blood markers for a clear diagnosis. She suffered from severe swelling in her whole body with aching joints. She could barely sit down or walk. She had been on long term prednisone to help manage the swelling and pain. Watch to hear how she was able to regain her health through our program!
Katie, a mother and wife, was bed bound. Diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis, she struggled every day to get out of bed, care for her family. She had anxiety, panic attacks, couldn’t drive. Listen to her experience in our program and how it allowed her to regain her life back.
Dorota went from healthy to severely fatigued, heart palpitations, headaches, tingling/shaking all the time. She had every test under the sun and was even seen by a very reputable functional medicine doc in her area. She had been told she had hashimotos, possible lyme disease, positive EbV (epstein-barr virus). Not getting the results she was looking for, she switched gears and joined our program. Here’s her story…
Brittany had struggled with Ulcerative Colitis for close to 15 years as well as Low Back Pain that went along with it, Depression, Anxiety and Hormone Disruption. She had tried all the immunosuppressants with little to no improvement. With comprehensive testing, we were able to find out what was driving her autoimmunity and re-balance her gut-brain axis! Check out her story…
Ashley, a mom of 3 small children, suffered from polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos), ocular migraines (always around the time of her menses) which left her with visual snow symptoms, severe fatigue and anxiety. She had been seen by naturopaths and functional medicine doctors but still was not improving. Listen as she describes her journey and experience in our program…
Check out Margaret’s results: Reduced abdominal pain, decreased anxiety, improved brain fog and energy just 12 week into the program. She had been hospitalized 3x’s due to severe abdominal pain and was still not getting better. Frustrated by no answers and paying high medical bills only to be given more meds, she joined our program and had fantastic results!
Check out how Bob’s entire life was transformed due to our program: chronic pain, depression, severe anxiety due to candida overgrowth causing him to miss out on many aspects of his life. And after 16 weeks, he has his life back and is now of a life long plan for health & happiness.
Listen to Laura’s unique journey of healing from candida and how it was creating symptoms of anxiety, restless sleep, mood swings and fatigue. This was greatly impacting her feeling of being a great mother and influencing her overall quality of life:
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